Configuration de S3 et OpenStack Swift Objects comme stockage primaire

In ownCloud Enterprise edition, you can configure S3 objects as primary storage. This replaces the default ownCloud owncloud/data directory. You may still need to keep the owncloud/data directory for these reasons:

  • The ownCloud log file is saved in the data directory
  • Legacy apps may not support using anything but the owncloud/data directory

You can move your logfile by changing its location in config.php. You may still need owncloud/data for backwards compatibility with some apps.


ownCloud in object store mode expects exclusive access to the object store container, because it only stores the binary data for each file. The metadata are kept in the local database for performance reasons.

The current implementation is incompatible with any app that uses direct file I/O and circumvents the ownCloud virtual filesystem. That includes Encryption and Gallery. Gallery stores thumbnails directly in the filesystem, and Encryption causes severe overhead because key files need to be fetched in addition to any requested file.


Look in config.sample.php for a example configurations. Copy the relevant part to your config.php file. Any object store needs to implement \\OCP\\Files\\ObjectStore\\IObjectStore and can be passed parameters in the constructor with the arguments key:

'objectstore' => [
    'class' => 'Implementation\\Of\\OCP\\Files\\ObjectStore\\IObjectStore',
    'arguments' => [

Amazon S3

The S3 backend mounts a bucket of the Amazon S3 object store into the virtual filesystem. The class to be used is OCA\ObjectStore\S3:

'objectstore' => [
    'class' => 'OCA\ObjectStore\S3',
    'arguments' => [
        // replace with your bucket
        'bucket' => 'owncloud',
        'autocreate' => true,
        // uncomment to enable server side encryption
        //'serversideencryption' => 'AES256',
        'options' => [
            // version and region are required
            'version' => '2006-03-01',
            // change to your region
            'region'  => 'eu-central-1',
            'credentials' => [
                // replace key and secret with your credentials
                'key' => 'EJ39ITYZEUH5BGWDRUFY',
                'secret' => 'M5MrXTRjkyMaxXPe2FRXMTfTfbKEnZCu+7uRTVSj',

Ceph S3

The S3 backend can also be used to mount the bucket of a ceph object store via the s3 API into the virtual filesystem. The class to be used is OCA\ObjectStore\S3:

'objectstore' => [
    'class' => 'OCA\ObjectStore\S3',
    'arguments' => [
        // replace with your bucket
        'bucket' => 'owncloud',
        'autocreate' => true,
        'options' => [
            // version and region are required
            'version' => '2006-03-01',
            'region'  => '',
            // replace key, secret and bucket with your credentials
            'credentials' => [
                // replace key and secret with your credentials
                'key'    => 'EJ39ITYZEUH5BGWDRUFY',
                'secret' => 'M5MrXTRjkyMaxXPe2FRXMTfTfbKEnZCu+7uRTVSj',
            // replace the ceph endpoint with your rgw url
            'endpoint' => 'http://cephhost:8000/',
            // Use path style when talking to ceph
            'command.params' => [
                'PathStyle' => true,

S3 Multibucket Configuration

ownCloud 9.1+ has multibucket support for S3 object stores:

'objectstore_multibucket' => [
   'class' => 'OCA\ObjectStore\S3',
   'arguments' => [
       'autocreate' => true,
       'options' => [
           'version' => '2006-03-01',
           'region'  => 'eu-central-1',
           'credentials' => [
               'key' => 'EJ39ITYZEUH5BGWDRUFY',
               'secret' => 'M5MrXTRjkyMaxXPe2FRXMTfTfbKEnZCu+7uRTVSj',

OpenStack Swift

The Swift backend mounts a container on an OpenStack Object Storage server into the virtual filesystem. The class to be used is \\OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\Swift:

'objectstore' => [
    'class' => 'OC\\Files\\ObjectStore\\Swift',
    'arguments' => [
        'username' => 'demo',
        'password' => 'password',
        'container' => 'owncloud',
        'autocreate' => true,
        'region' => 'RegionOne',
        'url' => 'http://devstack:5000/v2.0',
        'tenantName' => 'demo',
        'serviceName' => 'swift',
        // url Type, optional, public, internal or admin
        'urlType' => 'internal'
Toute la documentation est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license — Traduction : Cédric Corazza.